I found this novel to be an engaging and interesting page turner. The characters had depth and there were elements of realism that made it relatable. An example, the main character is not someone you might expect to get involved in messy extra-legal international affairs. But the manner in which it occurs is entirely plausible, with certain reasonable choices leading to that extraordinary result. There are also a number of murders and near-murders that occur in especially realistic ways--not graphic or melodramatic, but in the sudden and straightforward manner that it might actually happen, at the hands of a focused and malevolent antagonist. The protagonists are also relatable in that they are basically good and want to do the right things, but have self-interests and are imperfect. And the antagonists are not cartoon villains--they are flawed humans who have made choices that have led them to take actions that they probably consider reasonable, but which are clearly evil.
Overall, the novel was an interesting and compelling adventure, with vivid moments that will remain with you long after. It made me grateful that my life is relatively free of intrigue!